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Why You Should Join FMA

FMA effectively brings your concerns on job, career, salary and benefits, retirement security and other issues to the attention of lawmakers and top agency decision-makers. 

What We Do

  • The Federal Managers Association is the only professional association advocating for all federal managers, supervisors and executives.
  • Your pay, retirement benefits, and job are being targeted. We fight to protect what you have earned.
  • We advocate for legislation that helps our members by meeting with decision makers, testifying before Congress, briefing legislators, crafting legislation, and mobilizing our members to fight for good government policies.
  • FMA provides members training for both grassroots action and general skills improvement, helping you become a stronger leader and creating opportunities for advancement.
  • Without our members, none of this is possible. We need YOU! 

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Recent Accomplishments

  • Advocated for and helped push through a 5.2 percent federal employee pay raise for 2024. This will be the largest pay raise for feds since 1980.
  • Averted Pay Freezes 2019-2022: FMA and its members helped persuade Congress to override the administration's call for an across-the-board pay freeze in both 2019 and 2020, and the US Senate's push for a pay freeze in 2021.
  • FERS Sick Leave Credit: Those enrolled in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) receive an average of at least $500 a year for applying unused sick leave towards their retirement plan. FMA was the driving force behind this legislation that rewards feds for responsible use of leave.
  • Paid Parental Leave: FMA supported the successful effort to provide 12 weeks of paid parental leave for new mothers and fathers (by birth, adoption, or foster) of a new child. This benefit took effect in October 2020.
  • Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act: Thanks to FMA, new feds with a service-connected disability will begin their careers with 104 hours of additional sick leave to use for disability-related appointments and treatment during their first year as federal employees. In addition to the legislative action, FMA worked with rule makers at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) who drafted exemplary rules for implementation.
  • Preventing Cuts to Benefits: FMA stopped harmful proposals by Congress or included in recent budget requests that would have increased pension contributions for existing federal employees, eliminated the FERS COLA, reduced the CSRS COLA, shifted from the “High 3” to a “High 5,” or eliminated the FERS annuity supplement.
  • Repeal of DOD Cuts to Long-Term TDY Per Diems: FMA worked tirelessly for nearly four years to repeal drastic cuts of as much as 45 percent to Department of Defense (DOD) long-term TDY per diems. As a result of our efforts, DOD may no longer reduce the employee per diem allowance based on the duration of the TDY assignment.
  • New Locality Pay Areas: In recent years, FMA successfully advocated for the designation of six new locality pay areas. These designations positively impact nearly 72,000 employees in Birmingham, Alabama; Burlington, Vermont; Corpus Christi, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; San Antonio, Texas; and, Virginia Beach/Norfolk, Virginia. We continue to identify locations where the cost of living has eaten into federal managers’ pay and to push for new locality pay areas.
  • Allowing Feds in Reserves an opportunity to enroll in the health plan of choice: FMA advocated for the TRICARE Reserve Select Improvement Act, which allows feds in the reserves or National Guard to enroll in this plan, like their non-fed counterparts, if they choose. The bill language was included in the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
  • Advancement of GPO/WEP Repeal:FMA-endorsed legislation to repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) which has garnered more than 300 cosponsors and received a legislative hearing in November 2023. It is the closest it has ever come to fruition in the decades-long fight for repeal.
  • Bipartisan hiring reform bill: The Chance to Compete Act – FMA-endorsed legislation giving a greater voice to agency officials who can best distinguish practical performers from the field of candidates. Passed the House by a resounding 422-2 vote in January 2023. FMA is working to get Senate approval so it can be signed into law.

  • Your Non-Partisan Advocate

    Taking a conversational, non-confrontational approach, FMA maintains positive relationships that allow progress in all political climates.

    "The Federal Managers Association is the only professional association advocating for all federal managers, supervisors and executives. The Federal Managers Association is a strong advocate for our nation's federal employees and I value their perspective on the ever-changing civil service. Their focus and success on making our federal government more efficient and effective, while maintaining a dedicated management workforce, demonstrates the important role they play in helping those of us on Capitol Hill make sound policy decisions."

    -House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD)

    "In every community across America, federal employees work to make sure the government is effective and keep us safe; their daily contributions to their fellow citizens and to the cause of freedom are simply innumerable. I am proud to represent the many dedicated patriots of Virginia's First District who serve the people of this nation every day. I appreciate FMA advising me on the concerns of federal managers, and look forward to continuing to work with FMA on issues of importance to the civilian workforce."
    -Congressman Rob Wittman (R-VA)

    With FMA, Your Voice is Heard

    The Association's considerable political influence stems from a team approach to advocacy. When lawmakers or agency decision-makers consider proposals that could adversely affect the management of the federal workforce, they quickly realize that TEAM FMA stands together to protect the interests of all its members.

    FMA's grassroots mobilization, backed by an aggressive political action committee, ensures strong allies on Capitol Hill who support the Association's policy goals. These combined efforts help the Federal Managers Association to achieve continued regulatory and legislative success while serving as a sounding board for federal agencies and Congress.

    FMA is a respected member of the federal employee community. The Association is an active member of the Government Managers Coalition, Federal-Postal Coalition, Employee Thrift Advisory Council (advises the Thrift Savings Plan Board), and the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA). FMA also maintains an ongoing dialogue with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

    Build Your Career With FMA!

    Through its educational partners, as well as management training offered at the annual National Convention, the Federal Managers Association sponsors valuable professional development programs for its members and the federal management community. FMA continually partners with research organizations and academia to provide opportunities to enhance your managerial skills.

    Who Can Join FMA?

    Click here to learn all about the different types of FMA membership.

    The Federal Managers Association is a dynamic, proactive association that not only fights for and protects your interests, but offers you money-saving benefits and valuable services. Join the Federal Managers Association today, and become part of a movement to ensure our federal government is as efficient and effective as it can be.

Advocating Excellence in Public Service

Why Join FMA?

The Association’s considerable political influence stems from a team approach to advocacy. When lawmakers or agency decision-makers consider proposals that could adversely affect the management of the federal workforce, they quickly realize that TEAM FMA stands together to protect the interests of all its members.

Contact FMA

FMA National Office