The Federal Managers Association (FMA), established in 1913, is the oldest and largest association representing the interests of the 200,000 managers, supervisors and executives serving in today's federal government.
MEMBERSHIP: FMA is the foremost federal employee organization representing the interests of the 200,000 managers, supervisors and executives in the federal government today. Federal employees are found all across the United States - click here to see how many feds work in your state! Eligibility for regular membership extends to persons responsible for or associated with the management and supervision of people, programs and resources. At-large, associate, and retiree memberships are also available.
ADVOCACY: FMA actively engages in consultative relationships with top Executive Branch officials across the government as well as advocates to Congress on behalf of its members. FMA's track record includes legislative and regulatory success in: federal management reforms to improve government operations; pay, compensation and benefits; and workforce flexibilities and optimization. FMA's issue agenda addresses: cost effective government restructuring; competitive civil service pay and benefits; and maintaining the core values of the civil service. Advocacy efforts include congressional testimony, agency consultation, grassroots letter campaigns, and media relations. FMA is a member of the Employee Thrift Advisory Council (ETAC), which advises the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board on Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) matters, the FEHB Program Advisory Group (OPM), the Federal-Postal Coalition, the Government Managers Coalition, and the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund (FEEA) Board. FMA is also involved in department and facility-level partnership councils. Detailed advocacy information can be found in FMA's Legislative Action Center.
PUBLICATIONS AND INFORMATION: FMA members receive excellent publications and access to a wide range of valuable tools and information. FMA publishes: The
MEETINGS AND TRAINING: FMA sponsors an annual national convention in the Washington, DC area, regional conferences across the country, and programs at the chapter level. Our Events section contains details on current activities.