FMA Successes
• Repeal of GPO/WEP: After decades of advocacy, FMA-endorsed legislation to repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) passed and signed into law in the 118th Congress.
• Bipartisan Hiring Reform: FMA helped shepherd the Chance to Compete Act into law in December 2024, practical skills-based hiring reform legislation that places greater emphasis on prospective employees’ work experience and allows agencies to share certifications.
• Advocated for and helped push through a 5.2 percent federal employee pay raise for 2024. This is the largest pay raise for feds since 1980.
• FERS Sick Leave Credit: Those enrolled in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) receive an average of at least $500 a year for applying unused sick leave towards their retirement plan.