FMA Government Affairs Success
The Federal Managers Association (FMA) has done critical work to pass legislation that protects you and the entirety of the federal workforce, and has successfully intervened on behalf of supervisors and managers in the federal government to correct issues within their departments.
- Repeal of GPO/WEP: After decades of advocacy, FMA-endorsed legislation to repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) passed and signed into law in the 118th Congress. The successful effort will prevent nearly $200 billion from being withheld from the civil servants over the next 10 years.
- Bipartisan Hiring Reform: FMA helped shepherd the Chance to Compete Act into law in December 2024, practical skills-based hiring reform legislation that places greater emphasis on prospective employees’ work experience and allows agencies to share certifications.
- Advocated for and helped push through a 5.2 percent federal employee pay raise for 2024. This is the largest pay raise for feds since 1980.
- Averted Pay Freezes in 2019-2021: FMA members helped persuade Congress to override the administration’s call for an across-the-board pay freeze in both 2019 and 2020 and the U.S. Senate’s push for a pay freeze in 2021.
- FERS Sick Leave Credit: Those enrolled in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) receive an average of at least $500 a year for applying unused sick leave towards their retirement plan. FMA was the driving force behind this legislation that rewards feds for responsible use of leave.
- Paid Parental Leave: FMA supported the successful effort to provide 12 weeks of paid parental leave for new mothers and fathers (by birth, adoption, or foster) of a new child. This benefit took effect in October 2020.
- Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act: Thanks to FMA, new feds with a service-connected disability will begin their careers with 104 hours of additional sick leave to use for disability-related appointments and treatment during their first year as federal employees. In addition to the legislative action, FMA worked with rule makers at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) who drafted exemplary rules for implementation.
- Preventing Cuts to Benefits: FMA stopped harmful proposals by Congress or included in recent budget requests that would have increased pension contributions for existing federal employees, eliminated the FERS COLA, reduced the CSRS COLA, shifted from the “High 3” to a “High 5,” or eliminated the FERS annuity supplement.
- Repeal of DOD Cuts to Long-Term TDY Per Diems: FMA worked tirelessly for nearly four years to repeal drastic cuts of as much as 45 percent to Department of Defense (DOD) long-term TDY per diems. As a result of our efforts, DOD may no longer reduce the employee per diem allowance based on the duration of the TDY assignment.
- New Locality Pay Areas: In recent years, FMA successfully advocated for the designation of six new locality pay areas. These designations positively impact nearly 72,000 employees in Birmingham, Alabama; Burlington, Vermont; Corpus Christi, Texas; Omaha, Nebraska; San Antonio, Texas; and, Virginia Beach/Norfolk, Virginia. We continue to identify locations where the cost of living has eaten into federal managers’ pay and to push for new locality pay areas.
- Allowing Feds in Reserves an opportunity to enroll in the health plan of choice: FMA advocated for the TRICARE Reserve Select Improvement Act, which allows feds in the reserves or National Guard to enroll in this plan, like their non-fed counterparts, if they choose. The bill language was included in the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
- FEHBP Self Plus One: In the Bipartisan Budget Plan (P.L. 113-67), Members of Congress called for the Office of Personnel Management to offer a “Self Plus One” option to federal employees enrolled in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). FMA long advocated for this option, as it would immediately reduce federal spending and provide affordable health care to couples or single parents with one child.
- Disabled Veteran Leave Extension to FAA and VA: FMA worked with legislators in the House and Senate to extend eligibility for disabled veteran leave to Title 49 employees (Federal Aviation Administration) and Title 38 (Veterans Affairs) employees.
- Locality Pay Extension: Federal employees in Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories now receive locality pay. Thanks to work done by FMA local chapters in Hawaii, the legislation signed into law closely mirrored FMA’s proposal.
- Restoration of Quorum at MSPB: After five years of no quorum at the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), the Senate restored a quorum in March 2022. FMA helped identify nominees and urged the Senate to confirm them to restore a functional MSPB.
Help FMA Help You
Being an FMA member is the first step to protecting your career and becoming the best public servant you can be. The following are some ways you can assist FMA staff and leaders help you and your career:
- Provide the FMA National Office with your non-government email address and cell phone number so that we may alert you to any matter, political or not, that may affect your work.
- Personalize and forward action letters, provided by FMA, to your Senators and Representative.
- Take part in FMA Regional and Chapter meetings.
- Attend FMA’s National Convention and Management Training Seminar each year in March.
- Visit your elected officials and let them know your concerns. Also, follow up with your Senators and Representative in his/her local office where they often have more time to focus on their constituents.
- Inform the FMA National Office of your concerns and suggestions. Write to us at gstanford@fedmanagers.org, or call (703) 683-8700.
FMA is working for you.
Visit our Issue Briefs and Legislative Priorities pages for information on ongoing FMA efforts.
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