Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA - On Thursday, October 5, the U.S. House of Representatives passed its 2018 budget resolution (H. Con. Res. 71) by a vote of 219-206. The resolution seeks to cut $32 billion over ten years to federal compensation and retirement programs. Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President Renee Johnson made the following comments on its passage:
"I was deeply disappointed with our elected officials in the House of Representatives for passing such a harmful and unfair budget in regard to federal employees. Feds are the backbone of the American middle class, and to cut their compensation to make way for tax reform touted as a benefit for the middle class is downright hypocritical.
"Too often, for too many years, federal employees have been in the crosshairs for budget cuts. It is unfair and shortsighted for Congress to view federal employees’ retirement benefits and compensation as a gift. Feds have honored their agreement to serve their country, and have earned these benefits over decades of hard work. To punish these middle-class public servants, working to complete their congressionally-mandated missions with limited resources, is simply unacceptable.
‘It is my sincere hope that wiser minds will prevail in the Senate and that it will pass a budget that does not put the burden of cost-savings squarely on federal employees."