Federal Managers Association
Keeping the faith: Feds serve proudly amid heightened scrutiny
Federal Times
FMA National Vice President George Smith and Region 2 Director Dora Quinlan shared their concerns regarding the federal workforce. It is no secret federal workers have been under a lot of scrutiny, heard through negative congressional rhetoric and seen continual legislation calling for drastic changes in federal pay and benefits. This year's Public Service Recognition Week is needed more than ever to show federal employees the gratitude they greatly deserve.
"We are the faceless employees who protect and serve our citizens and assist with programs such as Social Security and the Internal Revenue Service. We support national defense goals and the war fighter. We tirelessly serve in a wide variety of jobs, and we deserve respect," stated Smith. Quinlan added, "As a patriot, I endorse jobs in the federal government as they offer a satisfying and rewarding career in public service. Despite the negative press, budget cuts and increased workload for less pay, I remain a proud public servant."
To read the full article, please visit: http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20120507/AGENCY02/205070303/.