Federal Managers Association
FMA Fights To Repeal DOD Cuts To Long-Term TDY Per Diems
Hear It from FMA, FEDmanager.com
The Federal Managers Association’s (FMA) mission is to advocate for excellence in public service. That can be expressed in many forms, working in a non-partisan fashion alongside elected decision makers and administration officials in Washington, D.C., and across the country. Our goal is always to craft solutions that allow good intentions to turn into good policy.
We understood the intentions of the Department of Defense (DOD) when it instituted cuts to long-term temporary duty (TDY) per diems in November, 2014. As federal managers, we are always looking for ways to increase cost-savings across the government, while providing necessary services. However the changes to the Joint Travel Regulations, which remain in effect, reduce per diems by 25 percent for those on TDY for more than 30 days, and by a whopping 45 percent for those on TDY for more than 180 days. The cuts apply not only to federal civilian DOD employees, but to uniformed members of the military, as well.
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