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Federal Managers Association

Press Release

  • The Federal Managers Association is a proud member of the Public Employees Roundtable, which sets Public Service Recognition Week in motion each year.

    Alexandria, VA - This year's Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW), the annual celebration honoring the men and women serving our nation as military, federal, state, county and local government employees, takes place May 6-12, will be highlighted by several events throughout Washington, D.C. The Federal Managers Association (FMA) is proud to spend this week honoring the men and women who serve our country in the military and as civilians.

    Celebrated since 1985, PSRW provides public employees throughout the U.S. and around the world with an opportunity to educate American citizens about the work they do and why they have chosen public service careers. PSRW also serves as a platform to showcase the many ways government services help make life better for all of us.

    FMA is proud to be a member of the Public Employees Roundtable (PER) at the Partnership for Public Service, which coordinates the PSRW events each year. The Public Employees Roundtable was established in 1982 as a nonpartisan coalition of more than thirty Washington-based organizations striving to balance rhetoric that maligned and minimized the nation's public servants. With its member organizations and congressional support, PER started Public Service Recognition Week in 1985 with a grand celebration on the National Mall that gave citizens a behind the scenes view of how their government works.

    "Having been a public servant for over 25 years, I thank the Partnership for Public Service for drawing much-needed attention to the many services and benefits civil servants provide for this country," commented FMA National President Patricia Niehaus. "During this week, the public will have the opportunity to learn how critical government employees are to the safety, well-being and progress of our country. In addition, the week serves to showcase careers in public service to those talented individuals who will be the leaders of tomorrow."

    The capstone celebration held every year on the National Mall routinely features more than 100 government offices and agencies, nonprofit organizations and private companies sponsoring interactive and educational exhibits that display the innovative and quality work performed by public employees. This year's theme is "Innovation and Opportunity," and the Mall event will feature a variety of exhibits showcasing how individuals can pursue careers in the civil service.

    There are several events scheduled throughout the week, including a Public Service Town Hall on May 8 to discuss how civil servants are doing more with less, effectively communicating with the public, and how federal agencies can boost morale among employees during these difficult times. Cokie Roberts of ABC News will moderate discussions led by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of the Department of Health and Human Services, Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security, Secretary Ray LaHood of the Department of Transportation, and Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini of the General Services Administration. The announcement of the nominees for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals (Sammies) will also take place during PSRW, on May 9. These awards honor federal workers who have made significant contributions to our country. Last year's winner of the Federal Employee of the Year was Paul Hseih of the U.S. Geological Survey, who provided invaluable scientific information that led to the containment of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico during the summer of 2010.

    The Senate has expressed support for PSRW through introduction and cosponsorship of a resolution (S.Res. 419), commending public servants for their contributions to the American public. The resolution recognizes the men and women of the federal workforce who have lost their lives while serving the nation and encourages efforts to promote civil service careers during the week and beyond. The resolution passed unanimously on April 26.

    "PSRW is a time set aside to appreciate the work of government at all levels and the impressive employees we rely on every day," continued Niehaus. "With public perception of our government at an historically low level, this week is especially crucial to informing the public of the positive work civil servants do for this country. From nurses tending to wounded veterans to scientists developing crucial vaccines, our nation's military and public workers provide immeasurable services. Please take a moment to say 'thank you' to the public servants you encounter this week."

    For more information on events and how to celebrate public service in your area, please visit: http://publicservicerecognitionweek.org.






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