Federal Managers Association
90-Day Federal Hiring Freeze Would Impact 19K Jobs, Consultant Estimates
By Charles S. Clark, Government Executive
President Trump’s order for a 90-day governmentwide hiring freeze to reduce the federal workforce through attrition will impact about 19,000 jobs, a consulting firm estimates.
Kevin Plexico, vice president for research at Deltek, offered “back of the envelope” calculations in a Feb. 8 webinar to determine the overall number of jobs affected, concluding that in the short term the freeze “would not be very impactful.” Substantial portions of the staff at major defense and law enforcement agencies are exempt from the order Trump signed on Jan. 23, Plexico noted, and thus he subtracted Defense Department civilians (at 759,000 or 37 percent of the 2 million-plus overall federal civilian workforce); the Justice and Homeland Security departments (at 304,000 or 14.7 percent of the total workforce); and Veterans Affairs Department health workers (331,000 employees or 16 percent of the total) from the number of people potentially affected.
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