Federal Managers Association
In defense of federal employees
By Kori Blalock Keller, Fed-Postal Op-ed in The Hill
FMA is an active member of the Federal-Postal Coalition who authored the op-ed.
Make no mistake: President Trump’s executive order implementing an across-the-board federal workforce hiring freeze is based on a false premise. It will also prove to be a colossal mistake.
Despite the relentless flow of misinformation and “alternative facts,” the federal workforce is not “bloated” and federal employees are not unresponsive bureaucrats in far-away Washington, D.C. Civilian employees of the federal government make up just 1.9 percent of the national workforce, slightly less than the 2.2 percent of the workforce in President Obama’s first year, and far less than the 3.1 percent level that prevailed during the Reagan years. Although the dedicated professionals and highly skilled career federal employees who serve in Washington, D.C., help make America great, more than 85 percent of our nation’s federal employees live outside the nation’s capital region, serving in every community across the country.
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