Federal Managers Association
"Silent patriots" are critical to nation’s survival
By Darryl Perkinson
We gather in locations around the country during Public Service Recognition Week to celebrate and honor the civil servants who provide this great country with what could be described as the heartbeat of democracy.
Often, negative outcomes are placed on the shoulders of “those government workers.” Perceived government failures are regrettable, but by no means do they reflect the hard work of our civil servants.
We regularly fail to see the true result of the efforts of city and county workers, state employees and federal employees in various agencies throughout the country — our freedom.
Over the past few years, partisanship has vaulted to the forefront of policy and regulations that affect our citizens.
Some citizens view the results — or lack of results — as a failure of civil servants. In the view of some, there is an abundance of poor performers working for the government.
The reality is that dedicated public servants continue to serve our citizens despite delayed or reduced funding and unfilled vacancies.
Changes in policy create inefficiencies. The true culprits in these failures are those policymakers in Congress and the administration who make partisan politics a priority over serving the needs of the public.
Public Service Recognition Week places public service in the light it deserves. The only drawback of this event is that it occurs just once a year.
Look around your community and you will find that many things that are the essence of our democracy occur without fanfare or news headlines.
We enjoy the gift of freedom due, in large part, to those individuals who go to work in a variety of agencies to provide the oversight and service that make the country function. In our neighborhoods, we experience the value of those civil servants in our places of worship, sports leagues, community activities and voluntary functions that go beyond public service.
I ask each of you to think about those you interact with every day and the service they provide to you — the teacher, the firefighter, the shipyard worker and the food inspector; the list goes on. Where would this democracy and our freedom be in a society that was devoid of those who serve the public daily?
In this political environment focused on change, this country will persevere no matter what the outcome of the next election. The workings of all levels of government will adjust to the new policymakers and their platforms as they have for more than two centuries.
The reason is that these civil servants — “the silent patriots” — are engaged in their roles because they truly believe that our great nation’s survival goes deeper than partisan skirmishes.
The silent patriots go to work every day and deliver quality work because they realize the United States provides to its citizens the dream and reality of hope and freedom.
Darryl Perkinson is the national president of the Federal Managers Association.
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