Federal Managers Association
Office of Personnel Management
Washington, D.C. – The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) today released agency-level results from the 2016 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). The 2016 FEVS was administered to 407,789 employees representing 80 (38 large / 42 small) Federal agencies. These results provided through UnlockTalent.gov contain scores for two major indices — Employee Engagement and Global Job Satisfaction across the Federal government. OPM plans to release the more detailed 2016 FEVS results in digital and print formats in early October.
UnlockTalent.gov is a comprehensive data visualization dashboard used to help government leaders make data-driven decisions and design initiatives to improve overall engagement and employee satisfaction at Federal agencies.
To read more about the 2016 FEVS scores, please click here.