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Federal Managers Association

Press Release

  • Alexandria, VA - The Federal Managers Association (FMA) is pleased to announce the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will publish the final rule implementing disabled veteran leave in the Federal Register on Friday, August 5, 2016. Disabled veteran leave is a new leave category created by the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act (P.L. 114-75), signed into law in November, 2015, based on a concern identified by an FMA member. The law provides for disabled veteran leave to any federal employee hired on or after November 5, 2016, who is a veteran with a service-connected disability rating of 30 percent or higher. FMA applauds the final rule, and FMA National President Renee Johnson released the following statement:

    "I am grateful for OPM's work in drafting the final rule, and Acting Director Beth Cobert's leadership in how to implement disabled veteran leave. The rule not only remains loyal to the congressional intent of the bill, but also extends the new leave to the broadest number of potentially eligible disabled veterans. Disabled veteran leave will be available not only to newly hired disabled veterans with no previous federal service, but also to eligible veterans reappointed with at least a 90-day break in service, and military reservists and members of the National Guard returning to civilian duty after military service. From FMA's perspective, the rule is broad and fair, helping as many eligible disabled veterans as possible." 

    The rule will publish formally in the Federal Register tomorrow, August 5, but a draft is available here.   

    FMA remains grateful to Representatives Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Blake Farenthold (R-TX), and Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS), who led the effort in Congress, as well as President Obama for signing it into law. P.L. 114-75 creates disabled veteran leave, providing 104 hours of leave to eligible veterans. The leave must be used for treatment of a service-connected disability, and does not carry over beyond the 12-month period.

    "As the final rule is published and the law soon takes effect, I am humbled and immensely proud this originated from Sue Thatch, an FMA member from Chapter 21, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, who saw a need and pursued a remedy," Johnson continued. "Sue, recognized as FMA's Manager of the Year, exemplifies the mission of our Association: to advocate excellence in public service. Watching this idea become a bill and then signed into law shows what is possible when Congress and the Administration come together for the common good. 

    "Again, I am grateful to OPM Acting Director Cobert and her staff at OPM for this final rule, and FMA is excited to see the law take effect in November."  


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