Federal Managers Association
Trump’s VP Pick Supports Shrinking the Federal Workforce, Performance-Based Pay Raises
By Eric Katz, Government Executive
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday morning tweeted that he has selected as his running mate Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R), who served 12 years in Congress before becoming governor of the Hoosier State.
Pence has a long history of advocating for a smaller government, attempting at several turns to limit the roles and responsibilities of the public sector and to shrink the size of the federal workforce. Labor groups are likely to detest the selection, as Pence has battled with unions in his home state and fought to cut collective bargaining rights at the federal level.
Some of Pence’s moves as governor have ushered in policies friendly to the civil service, however, and he has at times sought to add new areas to the government’s purview.
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