Federal Managers Association
Bill Would Allow Special Pay, Bonuses for Hard-to-Fill Federal Jobs
By Tom Shoop, Government Executive
Agencies having difficulty filling jobs and retaining employees in remote locations would get new hiring and pay flexibilities under legislation introduced in the Senate Wednesday.
The Flexible Hiring and Improving Recruitment, Retention, and Education Act, backed by Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., would increase agencies’ direct hiring authority, approve special pay rates for hard-to-fill positions and allow agencies to take geographic challenges into account when offering relocation and retention bonuses.
In October 2015, Heitkamp spoke out at a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee hearing on the difficulty federal agencies in North Dakota faced in recruiting and retaining critical workers who had the option of pursuing higher-paying jobs in the state’s oil sector.
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