Federal Managers Association
FMA pens article for Fedmanager.com
FMA published an article in the latest issue of Fedmanager.com, focusing on the ramifications of reduced budgets at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In recent years, Congress has cut the IRS budget by more than 17 percent. The piece quotes IRS Commissioner John Koskinen in outlining the direct impact of these cuts, including an estimated $7-8 billion a year in lost revenue for the government in that time. FMA also cites former Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), who urged agencies to demand from Congress the resources they need to fulfill their congressionally-mandated missions.
The article concludes, "For its part, Congress can and should rethink its approach to funding agencies, consider Mr. Voinovich’s poignant words, and provide the resources the IRS, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Defense, and all agencies need to perform its work effectively and efficiently. And managers at all of these agencies should rise up and heed Mr. Voinovich’s call. The Federal Managers Association will do its part to voice its members’ concerns and demand resources to allow them to best serve the American public."
To read the full article, please click here.