Federal Managers Association
Asks NDAA Conference to maintain House-passed language
On Tuesday, July 12, FMA joined several labor unions and industry trade associations in sending a letter to all members of both the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, urging full repeal of the cuts the Department of Defense made to long term TDY per diems in November, 2014. The changes include a 25 percent cut to both the per diem allowance and the lodging stipend for travel in excess of 30 days, and a 45 percent cut for travel longer than 180 days. The House of Representatives included a full repeal of these changes in its version of the fiscal year 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), while the Senate-passed version provides for a waiver process. FMA supports the full repeal and urges NDAA conferees to maintain the House-passed language as they iron out the differences between the two bills.
To read the joint letter to Congress, please click here.