Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA - The Federal Managers Association (FMA) is pleased to announce Renee Johnson was elected National President during FMA's 78th National Convention.
With more than 25 years of civil service, FMA National President Renee Johnson brings a wealth of experience and a broad appreciation for all levels of federal government work. Starting her career in a Co-op Program as a GS-1 in 1990, she has worked her way up through the ranks to become a leader in every respect.
Johnson is the Component Program Deputy Integrated Product Team Lead for Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) East in Cherry Point, North Carolina. In this role, she manages the Component Program across FRC East Integrated Product Teams. Johnson is the liaison between FRC East and multiple external customers for annual component inductions in excess of $300M. She leads team initiatives to identify and resolve issues that affect throughput, cost and quality of these components.
"For many years federal employees have weathered near-constant attacks by many in Congress, coupled with pay freezes, minimal raises, furloughs and sequestration," commented Johnson. "On top of the stress this places on individuals' personal lives, it has also meant we have fewer and fewer employees doing evermore work. I will stand strong on behalf of federal managers and make sure the highest levels of government hear not only their concerns, but also their ideas for streamlining efforts and cutting costs where we can without hurting agencies' missions. FMA has a proud tradition of finding solutions to problems and we will continue to be a leader on that front."
For the past two years, Johnson has served as FMA Region 2 Director. Prior, she served as the Region's Vice Director, and for many years was president of FMA Chapter 21, Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point, North Carolina. Johnson, Chapter 21 member Sue Thatch, and the other members of the chapter at Cherry Point brought FMA their concerns and ideas for correcting the injustice that was resolved with the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act of 2015. In 2012, Johnson was recognized with FMA's Gil Guidry Award for being the Association's outstanding Chapter President.
President Johnson stated, "It is humbling and an honor to lead the Federal Managers Association - an organization I have long supported, but for which I have greater and greater respect with each passing year. I will do my best to earn the trust the members of FMA have invested in me and our team."
Johnson holds a Master's in Business Administration from Boston University, and is also a graduate of the USDA Graduate School's Executive Leadership Program.