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Federal Managers Association

Press Release

  • Alexandria, VA - The Federal Managers Association (FMA) will hold its 78th annual National Convention and Management Training Seminar March 14 - 16, 2016, at the Crowne Plaza Old Town in Alexandri, Virginia. The conference, Federal Managers: Developing and Engaging the Workforce, will feature a keynote address by Representative Stephen Lynch (D-MA) on Tuesday morning. A full day of unparalleled federal managerial training will follow Representative Lynch's speech, all of which the press is welcome to attend. 

    On Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 8:00 am, Representative Lynch will give a keynote address that examines the legislative landscape and talks about federal managers' important role in an effective, efficient government. Representative Lynch is a strong supporter of all federal employees and a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and sits on the Subcommittee on Government Operations. FMA is proud that he introduced and championed the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act, which was signed into law in November 2015. The idea to provide assistance to disabled veterans newly hired by the federal government originated with an FMA member. FMA worked closely with Mr. Lynch and his staff, and are honored to celebrate this legislative accomplishment with him. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that his legislation will help more than 45,000 disabled veterans in its first five years. 

    Following Mr. Lynch's address, FMA's management training seminar will focus on topics including: achieving hiring excellence; utilizing UnlockTalent.gov; developing and empowering employees; preparing for retirement; engaging and productive communication; and, the New IQ for leaders. The presentations promise to be useful and practical for all federal managers and supervisors, and the speakers look forward to a healthy exchange of ideas and questions from training day delegates. Additionally, FMA's Manager of the Year Award, as well as other top honors, will be announced at the Awards Luncheon.

    Press is welcome and encouraged to attend the following events:

    Keynote Address: The Honorable Stephen Lynch

    Who: Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA)

    Where: Crowne Plaza Old Town, Alexandria, VA

    When: 8:00 - 8:45 am, Tuesday, March 15, 2016


    Federal Management Training Seminar

    Developing and Engaging the Workforce

    Where: Crowne Plaza Old Town, Alexandria, VA

    When: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Tuesday, March 15, 2016


    Achieving Hiring Excellence

    9:00 A.M.    

    Dr. Zina Sutch, Director of Diversity, Recruitment and Work, Life Division, Office

    of Human Resources Management, U.S. Department of Agriculture

    Kim Holden, Deputy Assistant Director, Recruitment and Hiring, 

    Office of Personnel Management 


    10:15 A.M.  

    Rachel St. John, HR Specialist, Work-Life and Leadership and Executive

    Development, U.S. Office of Personnel Management


    Developing and Empowering your Employees:

    Federal Chief Learning Officers Panel

    11:00 A.M.

    Moderator: Renee Johnson, FMA National Vice President and Region 2 Director

    Dr. Karlease Kelly, Virtual University Provost, Deputy Chief Human Capitol Officer,

    Office of Human Resources Management, U.S. Department of Agriculture

    Randy Bergquist, Assistant Director, Learning and Workforce Development,

    Justice Management Division, Department of Justice

    Jennifer Golder, Chief Learning Officer, Training and Development Office, 

    Office of the Chief Human Capitol Officer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission


    FMA Awards Luncheon

    12:00 P.M.

    Recognizes the Manager of the Year, Chapter President of the Year, Chapter of the Year, 

    Executive Board Member of the Year, and recruitment awards


    Preparing for Retirement -- Financial Planning

    1:30 P.M.    

    Ron Rothermel, National Sales Manager, G.P.I.S.


    Engaging and Productive Communications

    2:00 P.M.    

                         Jacob Faibisch, Program Lead for Management and Supervisor Training, Office of Human Resources Management, U.S. Department of Agriculture


    The New IQ for Leaders

    3:15 P.M.    

    Bruce Stewart, Deputy Director, Training, Compliance, and Strategic Initiatives,

     Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Personnel Management


Advocating Excellence in Public Service

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The Association’s considerable political influence stems from a team approach to advocacy. When lawmakers or agency decision-makers consider proposals that could adversely affect the management of the federal workforce, they quickly realize that TEAM FMA stands together to protect the interests of all its members.

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