Federal Managers Association
Members of the Federal Managers Association (FMA) from across the country are invited to attend FMA’s annual National Convention and Management Training Seminar next week, from Sunday, March 13 through Wednesday, March 16. The 78th annual event, titled, Federal Managers—Developing and Engaging the Workforce, will focus on how federal managers can create a work environment that encourages collaboration between management and labor, in order to better provide vital services that meets the demands of the American public. Federal managers are in a unique position to assist federal employees to strengthen federal departments and agencies. Through management training and discussion of current best practices, convention participants will gain valuable knowledge in order to promote a more effective federal workforce. The convention will take place at the Crowne Plaza Old Town Alexandria Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia.
On Monday, March 14, FMA will first receive a keynote address from Federal Labor Relations Authority Chair Carol Waller Pope on how employee engagement can benefit managers and employees. Following, FMA members will discuss internal business and receive reports from the Executive Board and Region breakouts. In the afternoon, delegates will hear the 2016 Issue Briefs that cover the year’s legislative agenda for the Association. The briefs will remain focused on FMA’s mission—advocating excellence in public service—as well as the need for a sustainable federal government in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness throughout agencies and departments. Immediately within the Issue Briefs on the subject of federal workforce management, FMA calls upon Members of Congress to return to the regular appropriations process in order to fund the federal government, as using continuing resolutions hinders federal managers from making long term budgeting plans and hamstrings finances. Additionally, the legislative agenda calls for cyber security protections, managerial training, and reforms to the probationary period. The first day of the Convention will conclude with elections for National President, National Vice President, National Secretary, Region 1 Director, and Region 3 Director.
Tuesday is dedicated to an all-day management training seminar, which will start with a keynote address from Representative Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts, who sponsored FMA’s homegrown initiative the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act (P.L. 114-75). Following, FMA offers training seminars which are aligned with the Office of Personnel Management’s Senior Executive Service Executive Core Qualifications and the underlying fundamental core competencies. Sessions include how to hire quality employees and promote recruitment; how to encourage engaging and productive communications; how managers can encourage career development for employees; how to use data in order to effectively measure and improve employee satisfaction; and, how inclusivity in order to create a productive workforce. There will also be an awards luncheon honoring FMA members who go above and beyond the call of duty, and exemplify FMA’s mission. All federal managers and supervisors, FMA members or not, are invited and encouraged to attend the training day.
On the last day of the Convention, FMA members will have the opportunity to meet with their elected officials within the House of Representatives and the Senate. This is an excellent time for FMA members to meet one on one with their Members of Congress and staff to discuss concerns of the federal workforce. By hearing anecdotal evidence from federal managers on how legislation affects their abilities’ to serve their country at home and abroad, decision makers will be better educated. After FMA members return from Capitol Hill, the Convention will conclude with a closing reception, the FMA-PAC raffle, and words of good and welfare.
Registration for the Convention is available to all FMA members, as well as any federal manager and supervisor for the training day. For more information, registration, and the 2016 Issue Briefs, please visit the FMA website, www.fedmanagers.org. We look forward to seeing everyone next week!