Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA -
Today, President Barack Obama released the Administration's fiscal year 2017
budget request. It proposes a 1.6 percent increase to federal employee salaries
and calls for six weeks of paid parental leave for feds. Notably, like his
fiscal year 2016 budget request, the proposal refrains from asking federal
employees to contribute even more to their retirement funds. The Federal
Managers Association (FMA) National President Patricia Niehaus made the
following comments on the Obama Administration's budget plans.
"The President's Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) budget request continues the positive strides made in last year's request. With the proposed pay increase, recognition of the need for parental leave, and an absence of harmful cuts to federal benefits seen in previous budgets, we appreciate the steps this budget takes to acknowledge the hard work of federal employees.
"Federal managers see the continued dedication of the men and women of the federal workforce who serve their fellow Americans daily, at home and abroad. We protect our nation's borders, provide care for our veterans and the elderly, ensure the safety of our food, and work alongside the country's military forces. The call for a 1.6 percent raise is welcome, but I continue to call upon the nation's elected officials to return to the formulaic process employed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine annual salary adjustment recommendations, and properly recognize the federal workforce as it strives to create a more efficient and effective federal government. In order to create a sustainable federal workforce, it is necessary that pay reflect the value of the work being done and the demands placed on employees.
"I have stated repeatedly that it is time that the federal government returns to being a model employer. Toward that end, I am pleased that the President's budget proposes to give all federal employees up to six weeks of paid parental leave. This is a commonsense and compassionate benefit that is long overdue for our nation's civil servants and their loved ones. Additionally, this is a vital recruitment tool that allows the federal government to attract the brightest and best.
"The Association is also grateful that President
Obama once again avoided including two onerous proposals that he has offered in
previous budget requests: increases to federal pension contributions and a
switch to chained-CPI. FMA continues to oppose vigorously any proposal which
calls for federal employees to contribute more towards their retirement plan,
which would amount to an immediate decrease in the take home pay of millions of
hardworking Americans. New hires continue to be asked to contribute more for
the same benefits as their colleagues. Federal agencies and departments already
dread the possibility of a hollow federal government due to difficulties with
recruitment, and reduced benefits for new hires exacerbates the problem of
attracting the best and the brightest into the federal government. And
switching to the chained-CPI calculation method would reduce the annual
cost-of-living adjustments for all social security recipients, not just federal
retirees. We urge this harmful calculation method to be taken off the table for
"The American public deserves a fully-capable,
funded federal workforce that provides the much needed and demanded services across the country that
our citizens count on. While there is still work to be done, this budget offers
necessary steps that make critical investments to create a sustainable federal