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Federal Managers Association

Washington Report

  • Members of the Federal Managers Association (FMA) Region 4 gathered over the weekend of October 10 in Monterey, California, for the annual regional conference in order to discuss best practices within members’ individual agencies and departments as well as current barriers managers face within the federal workforce. The weekend got off to a great start with a social gathering organized by FMA Chapter 308, Del Monte, President Jim Hall, who also hosted the conference.

    Region 4 Director Leonard Lew presided over the conference, which began with a keynote address from Dr. Jeffrey Paduan, Dean of Research at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and an FMA member. Dr. Paduan spoke of the mission of NPS as the nation’s premier defense and security oriented graduate university. NPS offers a higher education option to members of the Department of Defense in order to promote effectiveness of employees. In this time of tightened federal budgets, while also facing constant threats to the nation’s security, it is imperative that civilian members of DOD have access to educational resources.

    Following his presentation, FMA National President Patricia Niehaus spoke about the status of the Association and ways FMA members can advance its mission and goals. As FMA continues to face challenges, often best solutions come from its members. FMA Director of Government Affairs Greg Stanford addressed events in Congress that affect federal managers, including: the Office of Personnel Management data breach; the recent threat of a government shutdown; and, FMA legislative successes, such as the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act and the Competitive Service Act. Region 4 members shared information on methods taken to increase chapter membership, good works individual chapters have done in their communities, and how they can improve FMA. At the end of the day, Region 4 Conference attendees donated $1,700 to the efforts of FMA-PAC. Because of their generosity, FMA can better voice its concerns before Members of Congress. Thank you!

    For more information on FMA and upcoming events, please visit www.fedmanagers.org.


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