Federal Managers Association
Don't cut federal worker benefits
Honolulu Star Advertiser
*The following was published in the April 15, 2015 edition*
Twenty years ago, on April 19, 1995, the Oklahoma City Alfred J. Murrah Federal Building was blown up by a truck bomb, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds more for the sole crime of being federal employees serving their fellow Americans.
Currently, we have a federal budget proposal that continues the denigration of the federal community by reducing benefits to the tune of $318 billion on top of the $120 billion already given in an attempt to balance the budget on the backs of federal workers.
How comfortable would you be without air marshals and air traffic controllers when you fly?
How confident would you be without U.S. Department of Agriculture-certified products on your dinner table?
I could go on, but I close with a description of the statue at St. Joseph Old Cathedral across from the bombing, which is of Jesus holding His hands over His face in sorrow and the words, "And Jesus Wept."
John Priolo
Past FMA Chapter 19 President, Zone President, and Gil Guidry Award Winner