Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA - The Federal Managers Association (FMA) is pleased to announce on January 22, Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) reintroduced the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act (S. 242). The legislation would provide 104 hours of sick leave up front to first year federal employees who qualify under the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to attend medical appointments for service-related injuries without exhausting both sick and annual leave. This issue was originally brought to FMA by members from Chapter 21, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North Carolina. FMA National President Patricia Niehaus released the following statement on the introduction of S. 242.
"The federal workforce is proud to be the largest employer of military veterans. Many of these dedicated men and women gave extreme sacrifices and suffer from chronic, life-changing conditions as a result. Unfortunately, as a first year federal employee starting with a zero-sum balance of sick leave, these brave men and women often find themselves struggling between available leave and attending medically necessary VA appointments. S. 242 would ensure those who qualify as thirty percent disabled or greater by the VA will receive enough sick leave in their first twelve months of federal service.
"The federal government should strive to be a model employer. By providing 104 hours of sick leave to dedicated men and women who already made great sacrifices for the country and need to attend medically necessary appointments for their service-related disability, Senators Tester and Moran show their support not only to the nation's veterans, but to the federal workforce as well. FMA members have seen first-hand the stress new employees face as they struggle with their disability on top of the demands of their jobs. FMA is grateful for this common sense legislation and the support it provides."
"FMA would like to thank Senators Tester and Moran for their continued work and leadership on this issue. We are also very grateful to Region 2 Director Renee Johnson and the members of Chapter 21 who brought this issue to our attention. They exemplify the mission of our Association - to advocate excellence in public service. The Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act will ensure that federal agencies and departments' missions and goals will be met while treating our disabled veteran first year federal employees with the treatment they deserve."