Federal Managers Association
In Depth with Francis Rose
The current federal budget plan will expire on December 11, and there are only five legislative days left for Members of Congress to develop a new one that will carry them into next year. Federal Managers Association (FMA) Government Affairs Representative Katie Maddocks spoke with Federal News Radio's Francis Rose, expressing concern that 2015 cannot start with another government shutdown. She also spoke to the need for federal departments and agencies to be fully funded in order to meet missions and goals. Further concerning FMA are cuts the Department of Defense made to temporary duty assignment (TDY) per diem allowances. Those on TDY between 30 and 180 days face a reduction of 25 percent, while those over 180 days have a 45 percent reduction. This will result in federal employees paying out of pocket make up any cost differences as these new rates will price them out of markets.
To listen to the full interview, please click here.