Federal Managers Association
By Kellie Lunney, Government Executive
It’s looking increasingly likely that federal employees will receive a 1 percent across-the-board pay bump in 2015.
The current House version of the fiscal 2015 Financial Services and General Government spending bill, which the full Appropriations Committee will consider on Wednesday, is silent on a pay raise for feds next year. It doesn’t include money for one, but it also does not prohibit one. It does expressly prohibit pay raises for senior political appointees next year. The financial services bill, as lawmakers refer to it, typically is the vehicle for such federal pay provisions.
To read the full article, please click here: http://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2014/06/1-percent-pay-raise-horizon-feds-next-year/87139/?oref=govexec_today_nl