Federal Managers Association
FMA contributes a quarterly column for "FedForum, published on FEDmanager.com, responding to different prompts. The prompt for this quarter was "What does accountability and transparency mean to your organization?" The piece originally ran on FEDmanager.com.
The mission of the Federal Managers Association is advocating excellence in public service. That mission is what guides and shapes our work.
When talking about accountability, first and foremost, FMA takes pride in being accountable to our members. We want to hear their concerns and listen to what issues are impacting their agencies, their workplace, their careers, their healthcare and retirement, and to address those issues with Congress and the Administration as best we can.
That is what shapes our issue briefs every year – from fighting to achieve the best compensation for their hard work and ensuring the benefits they were promised and earned throughout their careers are not taken away, to pursuing investments in the workforce and providing tools to empower FMA members in their workplace. Since any manager, supervisor or executive is eligible to join FMA, a win for FMA members is usually a win for the federal workforce, writ large. Accountability to our members often helps recruitment, retention, and morale across the federal government.
To read the full article, click here.