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Federal Managers Association

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  • OPM Issues Tips to Filling Out Federal Retirement Applications - January 20, 2023
  • Following is a guide that OPM recently issued for federal employees on retirement applications (note: OPM at the same time issued similar references for agency payroll and HR offices also designed to reduce chances of omissions or errors that can delay processing of those applications.)

    FEDweek -

    This quick reference document provides guidance on preparing for Federal retirement and submitting a complete retirement application package to your Human Resources Office.

    Regardless of when you plan to retire, it is critical that you take the time now to review your benefits and Official Personnel Folder (OPF). Waiting until retirement to discover an error or missing record in your OPF can result in a delay in retiring or receiving annuity payments from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The best way to avoid this potential setback, is to review your personnel records early and maintain copies of key documents.

    To read the full article, click here.


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