Federal Managers Association
Discussed FMA's upcoming National Convention and legislative priorities for 2014
The Federal Managers Association's (FMA) Executive Director, Todd Wells, and Director of Government Affairs, Greg Stanford, appeared on FEDtalk on Friday, February 21, 2014. The show focused on the Association’s upcoming 76th annual National Convention and Management Training Seminar, as well as FMA’s legislative priorities and a variety of issues facing federal employees in the second session of the 113th Congress.
FMA’s 76th annual National Convention and Management Training Seminar, held at the Doubletree in Crystal City, Virginia, is quickly approaching, March 9-12, 2014. Wells gave an overview of the Association's Convention and its theme: Federal Managers – True Patriots. The training seminar, taking place on Tuesday, March 11, is open to all managers and supervisors across the federal government and will feature six presentations by experts on topics critical to managing today's federal workforce.
Stanford then gave an overview of FMA's legislative priorities for 2014, including a general sense of the climate on Capitol Hill and what federal managers might expect.
To listen to a recording of the show, please visit: http://www.federalnewsradio.com/215/3571915/For-federal-managers-Training-opportunities-legislative-update