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Federal Managers Association

Press Release

  • Recognized by his peers, Mr. Gryga provides exceptional leadership at the U.S. Social Security Administration’s Chicago Regional Office.

    Alexandria, VA – The Federal Managers Association (FMA) is proud to announce Mr. Ron Gryga as the winner of FMA's Manager of the Year award. He is a member of FMA Chapter 275, Hearings & Appeals Managers Association (Social Security Administration), Illinois.

    The Federal Managers Association strives to promote excellence in public service and is proud to name Ron Gryga of FMA Chapter 275, Hearings & Appeals Managers Association (Social Security Administration), Illinois, as FMA’s Manager of the Year. He exemplifies the Association’s mission at his agency, in his community, and as a leader within FMA.

    FMA National President Craig Carter praised Gryga, saying, “Ron is a dedicated public servant who is most deserving of this recognition. He provides guidance and counsel to FMA as National Vice President, clear leadership in fulfilling SSA’s critical mission, and stewards a positive environment for his fellow managers and his community. He is a trusted advisor and a friend, and FMA is proud of his steadfast service to our nation, ensuring millions of Americans receive the Social Security benefits they have earned, and his selfless giving to his community, and to FMA.”

    In a career that has spanned more than 31 years, Ron has spent about 75 percent of that time in some form of leadership or management, rising through the ranks until his current position as Hearing Office Director (HOD), a position he has held since May 2000.

    His SSA accomplishments center on ensuring policy compliance, goal attainment and thinking outside the box when obstacles are presented by identifying the best and most feasible solutions. His office consistently gets praised for its service delivery. He manages and directs the activities and set priorities and goals for a staff ranging from 35-50 non-Administrative Law Judge staff. He works with his managers and superiors to develop long and short-range plans for the operation of the division and agency, often resolving issues with competing resources to ensure agency goals and priorities are accomplished. Ron actively looks for opportunities to connect with his staff. In addition, Ron has been instrumental in his office’s success by volunteering to going to his office two to three days per week for nearly two years to process all in office related work (mail, faxes, systems related matters) in addition to his regular work to ensure all service delivery goals were met.

    Ron joined FMA Chapter 275 in 2000 and has been an active member ever since. After working as an Executive Officer for eleven years, he was elected Chapter President in 2010. He was also asked to serve as Social Security Administration (SSA) Chair for FMA. In this role, Ron often met with the Commissioner, and Deputy Commissioners to advocate on behalf of SSA managers. Ron has served on FMA’s Executive Board in a variety of capacities, including as a Regional Director, National Treasurer, and as National Vice President, where he led the effort to refresh FMA’s National Bylaws in 2021.

    He is a regular contributor at FMA’s National Conventions and Regional Conferences providing his leadership, support, and guidance. In addition to meeting with Members of Congress during the “Day on the Hill” activities, when called upon, Ron has also met locally with members to discuss issues concerning federal employees and managers. He also currently sits on the Chicago-Kent College of Law Federal Sector Planning Committee as part of FMA, which helps plan the Federal Sector Labor Relations and Labor Law Conference every year.

    Ron is also tremendously active in his local community, serving on the board for the Lincoln-way Special Recreation Foundation (LWSRF), which is dedicated to providing financial support to the Lincoln-way Special Recreation Association (LWSRA) in their efforts of providing recreational opportunities to individuals with disabilities. In 2021, Ron helped LWSRF raise nearly $70,000, particularly noteworthy during the Covid-19 pandemic. He is also a member of 100 Brothers Who Care, which is an organization that generally raises $10,000 per quarter which is donated to a member’s favorite charity.

    Ron graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. He was selected as a Presidential Management Fellow by the Chicago Federal Executive Board in 2016 and subsequently spent six months working on high-level projects for the Hospital Director at Hines Veterans Affairs Hospital. After his fellowship ended, he enrolled in Champlain College and achieved his Masters in Business Administration with a specialty in healthcare management.
    The FMA Manager of the Year award is presented annually to an outstanding manager or supervisor in the federal government who is a member of the Federal Managers Association. Chapters may nominate one member to their respective region director, and that officer submits up to two nominees from the region, along with supporting documentation, for consideration of the award. The selection committee reviews three categories in determining the winner:

    • Workplace accomplishments/contributions
    • FMA involvement at the chapter, regional or national levels
    • Local community accomplishments/contributions

    “FMA, the Social Security Administration, and our nation are privileged to have a leader like Ron Gryga,” Carter continued. “His leadership within FMA and at the SSA leave no doubt he has earned this award. We are honored he represents the best of the Federal Managers Association. Congratulations on this honor, and thank you, Ron, for your service.”


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