Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA – The U.S. Senate confirmed two of President Biden’s nominees, Tristan Leavitt and Raymond Limon, to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) on Tuesday, March 1, restoring a quorum to the board. MSPB had been without a quorum for more than five years. Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President Craig Carter made the following comments following the Senate’s vote:
"FMA welcomes the Senate’s unanimous vote of support for Tristan Leavitt and Raymond Limon to the Merit Systems Protection Board. It has been well documented that MSPB has not had a quorum for more than five years and a huge backlog of more than 3,500 unresolved cases are the result. FMA has advocated for this overdue action for several years and we are relieved to see this progress.
“MSPB’s mission is to “protect the merit system principles and promote an effective federal workforce free of prohibited personnel practices,” but has not been fully functional without a quorum to issue final rulings. Tristan Leavitt and Raymond Limon both have the qualifications and respect necessary to serve honorably on the MSPB board, and FMA endorsed their nominations.
“FMA applauds the Senate for confirming Leavitt and Limon to the board. We are confident they will provide due process for thousands of feds and we wish them success as they tackle the backlog that awaits them at MSPB.”