Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA – Earlier today, November 29, Jason Miller, Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget and Kiran Ahuja, Director, Office of Personnel Management, shared the current agency compliance numbers with the federal workforce Covid-19 vaccine requirement. Based on the data, they encouraged all agencies to pursue education and counseling for non-compliance, with no additional enforcement actions before January 2022. Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President Craig Carter made the following statement in response to this decision:
"The Federal Managers Association fully supports the Biden administration’s decision to delay issuing suspensions and other serious penalties related to noncompliance with the vaccine mandate until January 2022. We applaud the administration’s commitment to ensuring the safety and welfare of all federal employees, and welcome this development based on the data the administration has regarding compliance to date.
This is already a stressful time, given the possibility of another government shutdown at the end of this week. We are thankful that federal employees will not have to worry about losing their jobs just as the holiday season arrives. FMA agrees with the rationale that it will allow more time for more federal employees to receive their vaccinations, or apply for valid medical or religious exemptions. This was the right decision to make at this time.”