Federal Managers Association
Once a month the Federal Managers Association writes a Hear It from FMA article for the FEDmanager.com newsletter. This article originally ran in the September 7, 2021 issue.
America’s aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are arguably the best investment in human history. They allow the United States to project power to every corner of the globe, protecting sea lanes, deterring our adversaries from aggressive conflict, providing an unassailable nuclear deterrent, keeping open critical straits and canals, and enabling rapid humanitarian responses to crises. The strength of the United States Navy has been critical to ensuring relative peace around the world over more than seventy years. There is no doubt that building and maintaining nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, and their escorts and support ships is expensive. However, considering ongoing threats by the Chinese over Taiwan and the broader Pacific, there are two choices available to us. Either the United States can invest in proper maintenance, modernization, and expansion for the Navy, or we can choose to save money right now. The second choice would mean we are unable to defend critical interests within the next decade.
To read the full article, click here.