Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA – The House Armed Services Committee is scheduled to begin a markup of its version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2022 on Wednesday, September 1. The bill includes a provision altering the 2-year probationary period for Department of Defense (DOD) new hires to 1-year. FMA National President Craig Carter made the following comments:
“FMA is aware that, similar to the FY 2020 House version of the NDAA, the House version of this year’s bill includes a provision to modify the probationary period for new hires at DOD. FMA was pleased when the previous effort to alter the probationary period ultimately resulted in a Congressional mandate for a study on all facets of the probationary period and its usage at DOD.
“The study ordered by Congress, and conducted by the RAND Corporation, has not been completed, finalized or analyzed. It would therefore be irresponsible and irrational for Congress to take premature action related to the DOD probationary period until after the results of the study are released with evidence and data determining if the probationary period should be altered or not. FMA urges Congress to take no action on this issue until the study it requested is complete and thoroughly reviewed.”