Each month, FMA writes a partner column that is published by FEDManager.com. The following was originally published in the June 8, 2021 issue of FEDManager.com.
On paper, the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) is an independent, quasi-judicial Federal agency that exists to hear appeals from federal employees who are subjected to adverse actions by their agency; for example, a whistleblower who was subjected to a suspension or demotion as a result of their actions would appeal their case to the MSPB. Unfortunately, “on paper” is the main place that the MSPB has existed for several years now. The last time the MSPB had a quorum and was able to finalize decisions was in January 2017, more than four years ago. The term of the final member on the board expired in 2019, leaving the MSPB completely without members for more than two years.