Recognized by her peers, Ms. Price provides exceptional leadership at the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
Alexandria, VA - The Federal Managers Association (FMA) is proud to announce Ms. Kimberly Price as the winner of FMA's Manager of the Year award for 2020. She is the Director of Policy and Systems at the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) and has been a member of FMA since 2009.
The Federal Managers Association strives to promote excellence in public service and is proud to name Kimberly Price of FMA Chapter 191, U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), Chicago, Illinois, as FMA's 2020 Manager of the Year. She exemplifies the Association's mission at her agency, in her community, and as a leader within FMA.
FMA National President Craig Carter praised Ms. Price, saying, "she is an exceptional public servant who embodies the ideals of FMA and is richly deserving of this prestigious award. FMA is proud of Kimberly’s unwavering service to our nation, the RRB, and her selfless generosity to both her community and to FMA. She demonstrates the enormous positive impact FMA members make at small and large agencies alike."
Kimberly Price has served the nation at the RRB since June 1990. The RRB is an independent agency in the executive branch of the federal government, created in the 1930’s by legislation establishing a retirement benefit program for the nation’s railroad workers and their families. Kimberly’s career spans more than thirty years and she currently serves as Director of Policy and Systems. She is the first woman and first African American to hold this executive level position.
Kimberly is known for inspiring and motivating others within the RRB and for coaching, mentoring and challenging subordinates, managing the activities and setting priorities and goals for more than sixty analysts and support staff. She has been deservedly honored with many leadership awards, most notably, the Crescent Mood Award presented by the Phi Beta Fraternity, Inc. for excellence in the field of management. Additionally, she has won RRB’s Award for Excellence on numerous occasions.
One recent example of her managerial acumen was setting up a quarterly process by which she allows each staff member to personally spend quality time with her – a management lesson that she learned at one of the training sessions at an FMA national convention. These meetings are strictly voluntary with an agenda or topic of the staff members’ choosing. The meetings provide an opportunity for staff to express themselves freely to her about any work or personal matter; enabling them to get to know each other, achieve mutual understanding, and build trust.
Kimberly joined FMA Chapter 191 in 2009 and has been an active member ever since. She has served in various leadership positions, including as Chapter President, First Vice-President, Secretary, and Sergeant-at-Arms. She has long provided leadership to the Chapter’s engagement with senior management on issues important to the workforce, such as telework, training, and succession planning. She assists Chapter 191s’ charitable activities, particularly Deborah’s Place, which provides assistance for women experiencing homelessness in Chicago. Deborah’s Place offers supportive housing and other services to help women heal and achieve their personal goals as they move on from homelessness. Kimberly supports her all-girl high school by participating in its annual Career Day, where she uses her extensive skills to mentor young women in achieving their full potential. Kimberly has also donated blood and platelets throughout her adult life, with more than 36 lifetime units donated, as well as convalescence plasma donations.
The FMA Manager of the Year award is presented annually to an outstanding manager or supervisor in the federal government who is a member of the Federal Managers Association. Chapters may nominate one member to their respective region director, and that officer submits up to two nominees from the region, along with supporting documentation, for consideration of the award. The selection committee reviews three categories in determining the winner:
* Workplace accomplishments/contributions
* FMA involvement at the chapter, regional or national levels
* Local community accomplishments/contributions
"FMA, the RRB, and our nation are fortunate to have a leader like Kimberly Price," Carter continued. "Her influence and leadership, engaging presence and collegiately and congenially with fellow managers and other employees reflects FMA’s highest ideals and accomplishes the RRB’s mission. We are honored to recognize Kimberly’s service as Manager of the Year. Thank you, Kimberly, for your leadership and contributions to both the RRB and FMA."