Federal Managers Association
Kellie Lunney, Government Executive
Furloughed employees will receive full credit for any annual and sick leave they accrued during the government shutdown, according to guidance from the Office of Personnel Management.
Furloughed employees will receive full credit for any annual and sick leave they accrued during the government shutdown, according to guidance from the Office of Personnel Management.
All agencies must adjust the accounts of furloughed employees “for proper recredit of any lost accrual of annual and sick leave due to being in a nonpay status,” stated the guidance. Congress last week approved retroactive pay for federal workers furloughed during the 16-day government shutdown.
To read the full article, please click: http://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2013/10/furloughed-feds-will-get-credit-lost-leave/72320/?oref=govexec_today_nl