The letter states, in part, "The EO creates a broad exception to competitive civil service rules through a new Schedule F job classification, which could apply to hundreds of thousands of federal positions. The EO gives agencies a deadline of January 19 to develop a preliminary list of federal positions to petition the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for conversion to the new Schedule F. However, agencies are already moving, and OPM is encouraging them to provide submissions prior to the deadline. Reports indicate the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) already petitioned OPM to reclassify 88 percent of its workforce, and OPM is poised to approve the reclassifications, if it hasn’t already. Other agencies are also moving forward, and we have heard from several others that they have been instructed to put together lists of employees who should be moved to Schedule F by the end of this week."
The letter ends by urging Congress to include language blocking implementation of the EO in the next appropriations package in Congress.