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Federal Managers Association

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  • Groundhog Day was Fun – Washington’s Sequels Are Terrible and Need to End - December 9, 2020
  • Once a month the Federal Managers Association writes a Hear It from FMA article for the FEDmanager.com newsletter. This article originally ran in the December 8, 2020 issue.

    As the clock once again ticks ever closer to another fiscal year cliff – the expiration of the latest continuing resolution (CR) on December 11, and the potential government shutdown it would bring – we are reminded of the movie Groundhog Day. That beloved classic, where Bill Murray’s Phil Connors lives the same day over and over, is oft referenced in Washington, D.C., frequently when discussing appropriations, because Congress continually brings government funding to – or past – a lapse of funding. Regrettably Fiscal Year 2021, which began 69 days ago, is no different, and the entire workforce is operating under a CR that expires mere days from now. 

    To read the full story, click here.


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