FMA's Chapter 373 at the United States Marshals Service (USMS) continues to call for gender pay equity for women and men at the USMS in two key positions assigned to its district offices: Administrative Officers in its 36 largest district offices/cities and Detention Enforcement Officers. Chapter 373 has sent a second open letter, further highlighting key areas at issue and following up on their previous letter, as well as identifying additional points of concern.
In a follow-up message to USMS Director Donald Washington, Chapter Vice President for Law Enforcement Operations Jason Wojdylo expounded on the problem, stating that "In our August 24th letter we raised very legitimate and pressing concerns with gender pay equity for women and men at the USMS in two key district positions, respectively: Administrative Officer and Detention Enforcement Officer (DEO). Six weeks later we have not formally heard from agency leadership on either topic, although we did see mention in notes from a meeting of the U.S. Marshals Advisory Council (USMAC) and District Chiefs Advisory Board (DCAB) held three days after transmission of our letter."
The open letter goes on to lay out specific evidence of the problem, as well as some recommendations of ways to begin to address these pressing issues.