Today, Chapter 373 at the United States Marshals Service (USMS) calls for gender pay equity for women and men at the USMS in two key positions assigned to its district offices: Administrative Officers in its 36 largest district offices/cities and Detention Enforcement Officers. For more than three years similar requests have gone unheeded for comparable grades as those positions assigned to its headquarters division offices and other DOJ components in the same largest cities.
In a message to USMS Director Donald Washington, Chapter Vice President for Law Enforcement Operations Jason Wojdylo introduced the issue, stating, "While on my two-year assignment as the Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal in Chicago that concluded earlier this year, I had the distinct privilege of serving in the Northern District of Illinois when the U.S. District Court saw its first female Chief Judge in its 200 year history. Then-Chief Judge Rubén Castillo stepped down early from his post to clear the way for Rebecca R. Pallmeyer to ascend into the role. It was quite a memorable time and you know I enjoyed a most rewarding professional working relationship with Chief Judge Pallmeyer, as I did with Chief Judge Castillo. I watched both—with great admiration—lead in advancing a very diverse Court Family. More than serving the Court during this historic time, I was there when women also contemporaneously occupied each of the Chief Judge positions at the U.S. District Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, and U.S. Bankruptcy Court. I recognize this opportunity may never be repeated in the remaining time of my career and my extraordinary experience is one that brings me to write and share with you the attached letter from our Federal Managers Association chapter. I hope you will join Chapter President Dave Barnes and me, and our membership, in the pursuit of gender pay equity at the U.S. Marshals Service for two key district positions: Administrative Officer and Detention Enforcement Officer. We welcome your review of our proposal that will have no financial impact on the Agency’s appropriations. We look forward to hearing back from you soon."
A copy of the letter to Director Washington can be reviewed