Federal Managers Association
Yoho tells furloughed workers an end to sequestration is coming
By Stephanie Brown, WOKV-TV
Before a group of civilian defense employees based out of Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Representative Ted Yoho (R-FL) spoke on the destructive nature of sequestration and furloughs. While employees shared their stories of personal hardships caused by furloughs and smaller pay checks, Rep. Yoho expressed with confidence that within six months furloughs and sequestration will be a thing of the past. FMA Chapter 11 President Greg Daniels, however, stated there is a greater fight ahead, and partisan politics will only hinder the sequester problem. "They need to work together, reach across the aisle, bipartisan support and come up with a solution," he commented.
To read the entire article, please visit: http://www.wokv.com/news/news/yoho-promises-end-sequester-crowd-furloughed-worke/nZFZ7/.