Federal Managers Association honored to be recommended to advise task force.
Alexandria, VA – On Tuesday, July 28, the Federal Labor-Management Covid Partnership Act (S. 4347) was introduced in the Senate to create a task force of administration leaders, managers, and union officials, with FMA representing workforce managers. The task force would review agencies’ policies related to the Covid-19 pandemic and make recommendations. As lead sponsor Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) noted, “This bill is about protecting our federal workers during the Covid pandemic.” FMA National President Craig Carter made the following comments on the introduction of this legislation:
“The Federal Managers Association appreciates Senator Schatz’ leadership in working to ensure all stakeholders have a seat at the table and input on the critical matters under discussion as agencies determine the policies that will directly impact their lives and the safety of their work environments. The contribution from their collective voices on this task force will only improve planning and encourage engagement and buy-in at all levels within the workforce to foster a more successful path to recovering and rebuilding from the challenges the pandemic has created. Senator Schatz is a strong, steadfast leader with a long history of commitment and support for Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Hawaii, and the entire federal workforce. The Federal Managers Association strongly endorses S. 4347 and thanks Senator Schatz for introducing this legislation. We also recognize Sens. Peters, Feinstein, Brown, Cardin and Van Hollen as original cosponsors. FMA looks forward to working with these senators to build additional support for this bill, and ultimately create this critical task force.”