Federal Managers Association
Wave of Retirements Hitting Federal Workforce
By Lisa Rein, The Washington Post
Lisa Rein, a respected columnist for The Washington Post, published an article this week about a wave of federal employee retirements in Fiscal Year 2013. Retirements "are on track to be nearly twice the total" of those in 2009. This article demonstrates the need for mandatory training requirements to develop managers and supervisors across the federal government, a top priority of the Federal Managers Association (FMA), prior to losing the expertise our current managers have.
To read the article, please visit: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/wave-of-retirements-hitting-federal-workforce/2013/08/26/97adacee-09b8-11e3-8974-f97ab3b3c677_story.html?wpisrc=emailtoafriend