Federal Managers Association
Alexandria, VA - Department of Defense (DOD) Secretary Chuck Hagel released a memo to all military departments on August 6, announcing DOD civilian personnel will only be furloughed for six days instead of eleven. Most DOD civilian employees can expect furloughs to end by August 17.
Following a week of speculation, DOD Secretary Chuck Hagel released a memo to department leaders stating instead of eleven furlough days, civilian employees will only experience six. This was accomplished by Congressional approval of reprogramming and the department given greater flexibility with funds. Secretary Hagel outlined in his memo, "Assuming that the majority of employees were furloughed one day per week beginning the week of July 8 this reduction in the number of furlough days will mean that most employees will have achieved six days (48 hours) of furloughs by August 17. However, all civilian employees, unless exempted from furloughs or governed by special rules, must complete six days (48 hours) of furloughs. If they have not accomplished this by August 17, they must do so in a timely manner and before the end of this fiscal year."