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Federal Managers Association

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  • The Pandemic Drove the Final Nail in the GS System - June 2, 2020
  • The government is confronted with a different workforce management reality than at any time in the past.

    Howard Risher, Government Executive

    he coronavirus pandemic has cast the government’s HR crisis into stark relief: both the public’s need for government services and the government’s future staffing needs for essential employees are uncertain. Responding to COVID-19 has also made individual expertise and credentials a front burner concern. In the new work environment individual initiative, agility and performance are highly valued. The pandemic also requires flexible and responsive staffing practices. Government is confronted with a different workforce management reality than at any time in the past.

    To read the full article, please click here.


Advocating Excellence in Public Service

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The Association’s considerable political influence stems from a team approach to advocacy. When lawmakers or agency decision-makers consider proposals that could adversely affect the management of the federal workforce, they quickly realize that TEAM FMA stands together to protect the interests of all its members.

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