Alexandria, VA – On Tuesday, March 17, Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Dale Cabaniss submitted her resignation. She was confirmed to the post on September 11, 2019. Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President Renee Johnson made the following comments.
“I am discouraged to learn of Director Cabaniss’ resignation as OPM Director. FMA enjoyed a positive working relationship with her and her team and saw eye to eye on many, if not most, issues. In her brief time as director she demonstrated capable, steady leadership. Regrettably, OPM has unnecessarily faced more than its share of upheaval and uncertainty in recent years, and I am troubled about the impact Director Cabaniss’ resignation will have on OPM employees and morale across the federal workforce, particularly as we struggle to meet the challenges brought on by Covid-19. Like all other agencies, OPM and the country benefits most from Senate-confirmed leadership.
“OPM has an essential role to play in the federal government’s response guiding agency operations to continue to provide services to the American people and needs a permanent director. FMA will certainly support and work with Deputy Director Michael Rigas as he takes the helm in an acting director role. We strongly counsel the administration to name a permanent director as soon as possible."