Federal Managers Association
Excellent Employees at Arsenal for 200 Years
By Richard Oppedisano, Albany Times Union
Today marks a significant milestone. The Watervliet Arsenal will celebrate 200 years of continuous operation serving the needs of our military and Capital Region.
This unique facility has provided our military with quality products and services since the War of 1812. The employees of Watervliet Arsenal have been there for our military in every major conflict to defend our great nation. The quality of workmanship on each product is unsurpassed.
This well-hidden, remarkable jewel has employed tens of thousands of Capital Region residents and contributed hundreds of millions of dollars in support of local businesses. The employees have contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Combined Federal Campaign in support of numerous local charities. The monetary contributions and the hours of voluntary service the employees make each year in every community are noteworthy.
The military and it’s civilian leadership, with the assistance of our national and local politicians, have overcome many barriers and threats of closure, allowing the arsenal to stand strong. In partnership with Benet Laboratory and the Arsenal Business and Technology Partnership, the arsenal will continue to serve the world’s greatest military.
The one constant that has led to two centuries of success is the work force. The men and women who have given their all, under some arduous conditions, deserve credit for making this a world-class manufacturing facility. They’re the reason the arsenal will prosper and grow.
Thank you to all who served our nation as civil servants at the arsenal.