Federal Managers Association
The Federal Managers Association Dismayed by Careless, Across-the-Board Proposed Cuts
Alexandria, VA - The Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President, Patricia Niehaus, released the following statement in response to the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee’s announcement that it has included in its draft of the fiscal 2014 financial services spending bill a 24 percent decrease in the budget of the Internal Revenue Service.
“The House Appropriations Committee proposed a dramatic cut in the budget of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for 2014, and did so without a thoughtful process identifying the reality of what those cuts would mean to our country. The IRS budget is 92% personnel related. These employees process tax returns, enforce compliance of the tax laws, and assist tax filers. Which of these areas will be cut? Currently, for every dollar IRS spends, it brings in $10. This reduction to the IRS budget would most assuredly guarantee dramatically reduced, and badly needed, revenues for our country. It would surely mean longer waiting times for citizens to receive their tax refunds.
“There seems to be a lack of recognition of the impact of these proposed cuts. While we do not expect the Senate to address this proposal, it is important, especially at this time, that Congress take positive action to address the needs of the American people and those public servants who faithfully do the work of our country. “