Final Bill includes many FMA Legislative Priorities
Alexandria, VA – On Wednesday, December 11, the House of Representatives agreed to the conference report on the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by a vote of 377-48. The bill authorizes $738 billion in defense spending and includes many provisions affecting the federal workforce. Federal Managers Association (FMA) National President Renee Johnson made the following comments on House passage of the conference report:
“FMA applauds the strong bipartisan vote in the House to pass this year’s NDAA. We are grateful for the bill’s support of our nation’s uniformed military and the civilian federal workforce who together work to protect our country and its interests. FMA worked with legislators on many major policies included in the final package, which will help current federal managers and aid recruitment and retention.
“Notably, the bill includes the TRICARE Reserve Select Improvement Act, which will allow federal employees who serve in the military Reserves the ability to enroll in TRICARE Reserve Select. This issue was raised by FMA’s David Florez of Chapter 125 (Corpus Christi Army Depot) and has been one of FMA’s legislative priorities for several years.
“The original House-passed version of the bill would have modified the probationary period for Department of Defense (DOD) civilian employees from two years to one year. FMA appreciates that conferees instead maintained the current policy – which FMA supports – but require a report from the Secretary of Defense to formally analyze and assess how the policy is working. That is the reasonable and practical course of action.
“FMA supports many other provisions in the conference report, including the limitation on the proposed merger of Office of Personnel Management functions with the General Services Administration; extension of authority to grant allowances, benefits, and gratuities to civilian personnel on official duty in a combat zone; inclusion of paid parental leave for federal employees; reimbursement for federal, state, and local income taxes incurred during travel, transportation, and relocation; modification of direct hire authorities at DOD; protections for FEHBP, FEGLI, and FEDVIP services in the event of a government shutdown; and, extension of authority for part-time reemployment.”
“The bipartisan effort to iron out differences in the NDAA is once again a welcome reminder of our country’s strength and what is possible when we work together in good faith for the common good. FMA commends the conferees on their work, and looks forward to Senate passage and President Trump signing the measure into law.”